Saturday, October 19, 2013


In this day and age, anyone can make a short film. But,  to make a good film it will take time, preparation, and some expense. If making a short film is something we really want to do, putting time in now will make all the difference later.

  • Before our shoot let's make sure we have all our equipment with us. It is best to plan these things before production.
  • Have fun with it!
  • If we are filming in a public place, let's always, always make sure we have signed releases from all random faces that may appear in our movie.
  • Let's Remember our overall vision as we record our footage. Let's not forget to record voice-overs (talking) and other sounds as part of our regular footage. We can always use the video or audio independently.
  • Let's make our production choices based on necessities. Let's not forget that we can use pictures and still shots for video, too.
  • To make a film, we will need to be creative.
  • YEH MANZILEIN HAI KAUN SI ? is what you want to accomplish.

  • Let's always check our camera before shooting just in case we have forgotten to press record. This is to avoid losing precious footage!
  • There are laws against using videos of people and certain places without permission. Let's always ask the subject or the owner/operator of a building if it's okay to record them and be sure to tell them what it's for. For added protection, have them write it on paper when they give permission.
  • Let's be careful to check each setting on our recording device as we operate or we might miss the best shot. It's a good idea to review our footage after each take.

Let's Show the film to friends and family and/or post it to YouTube. If we are serious about film-making, let's submit it to film festivals and send it to film agencies. Remember, the more publicity we get, the better short films we will be able to make in the future. And remember, everyone had to start somewhere!

Good luck, and remember the most important rule of film-making... Have a good time!


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